Grab a marker

I never thought I could draw,

I have been called ‘crunchy’ but, that’s more about being adverse to plastic , thrifting and turning my nose up at manicured lawns, – native grasses people!!!

But as with most things the tsunami called worldwide pandemic effected. I picked up a dollar store pen and some cigarette packs.

I don’t smoke but, who knew that the inside sleeve thingy in a pack of smokes provides awesome paper.

And so I started to draw.

No performance anxiety when there is minimal cost and no requirement to socialize.

I started drawing and then a loved one gifted me with markers. Did you know the hardest thing to draw is little characters (kawaii) or rubber ducks?

The easiest thing to draw were the no rules, abstracts, and quirkiness rules.

I can’t draw a straight line, not a fan of other people’s rules so, no art classes for me.

I suggest cheap tools for art and don’t pressure yourself.

Enjoy your life, try drawing with markers

Enjoy your life, try drawing with markers

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